Bila pertama kali tengok..mmg tak kenal binatang apakah ini.. To be honest, I'm not a fan of mollusks. So tak ada la excited sangat when my Abah said is an Oyster he bought at Kuala Selangor. Believe it or not, 20 biji/ekor? not so sure on the penjodoh bilangan..but 20 oyster = RM 10.Kalau makan kat kedai ni..lebih RM100 ni..
So kitorg panic jugak bila bukak plastic nampak oyster tu penuh dengan organisma lain..bran-buran..epifit..saprofit..xpasti la..so macam biasa champion for cleaning until gleaming, my husband membersihkan dengan giat as picture below. Selingan kejap..dia besihkan uri my son pun gleaming..haha

So dah jadi gleaming oyster, time for cooking..
Oysters must be eaten alive, or cooked alive. The shells of live oysters are normally tightly closed or snap shut given a slight tap. If the shell is open, the oyster is dead, and cannot be eaten safely. Cooking oysters in the shell kills the oysters and causes them to open by themselves. But from my experience, after half an hour in the oven it didn't open by themselves. So my Abah and hubby got to struggle pakai pisau to open the shell.
Diorang tak berani makan raw, so I have to cook the oyster. Belasah je la..masak western bukan susah pun. Diced Tomato and capsicum, lemon, herbs, basil, oregano and salt. So here it is..Macam hotel beb.. My hubby kata ada zzziingggg! Haa..sedap sangat la tu.
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