Apparently tetiba birthday mama next week..haa..dh panic
Top 5 in my mind:
No 1: Nescafe Dolce Gusto

The problem is according to my hubby, is not good for long term investment. We only can feed the coffee maker with its "nescafe dolce gusto capsule" which cost RM28 for 8 cups of latte.. What if nak minum coffee brand lain..xboleh la..But I'm still considering it ;)
No 2: Mini deep fryer
We don't have this at home. But since everybody is on diet herbalife except for me & my they need a fryer? Then get her a Salad Spinner..hehe..Baik punya perli
No 3: Bluetooth handsfree car kit
She really need this..Dia dah ada handsfree blackberry..But her phone is Samsung..setiap kali nk guna x connect to the device..but bila my hubby buat ok plak..xpasti problem device or org yg tak reti guna device tu..hehe
No 4: Spa Package
Boring..dah pernah bagi..groupon punya..mothers day ke apa ntah..
No 5: Tak tau!!!!Help!!!
2. Wedding Present for the one & only sister, Tita Kimi
Lagi la xde idea..becoz diorg akn stay in our house in Shah kalau beli brg rumah..nk store kat mana..mama nk sponsor honeymoon..what else left?electronic appliances..cadar..lampu..kipas..crap!!I have 1 month left before the wedding!
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