In my previous post, I did mention about milk booster. To ensure my ebm supply is sufficient enough for my baby, few so called 'supplement' telah dibeli dan di consume. Alhamdulillah consistent +/- 15 oz everyday sampai I stop pump kat office. Reason being anak dah 1thn 6 bulan meaning to say dah 1thn 4 bulan mengepam kat office. So mcm dah boleh discontinue kot but direct feeding harus diteruskan..tak sampai hati.
So during maternity leave..mendengar kata orang2 tua, I took lobak putih, ikan bawal putih and susu soya..sampai muak dah..then dah back to work, I took few nursing tea. Nampak jugak la boosting impact nya. Most of the nursing tea consist of fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds and anise seed. The taste, I would say acceptable untuk tekak ku yang sangat cerewet ni. Among the brand yang affordable are Joy Angel, Autumz and Earth Mama (the best but pricey).
Alfalfa |
Lepas dah boring minum nursing tea for about 3 months, I tried other effortless method. Telan pil. Confirm tasteless. So after baca review and blog ibu ibu menyusu, I decided to take Alfalfa, a product of Shaklee. Alhamdulillah my ebm supply increase from 12 oz to +/-15 oz dengan frequency mengepam for only 2 times a day kat office. Segan and serba salah jugak utilize working hours untuk pump. So I just pump dekat workstation though office ada facility mother's room. But after ambik alfalfa my ebm agak my shaklee consultant kata my water intake yang tak slowly lepas few weeks, my ebm kembali berwarna putih normal. Kos milk booster yang ni murah sikit compared to nursing tea. My mom kata keja penat dapat gaji pegi beli makanan kuda..I was like 'what...' Maybe sebab bunyi nama ubat tu macam nama rumput..hehe. Alfalfa is actually a small flowering plant and widely grown as forage for cattle. Sebab apa lembu diberi makan alfalfa?haa for similar reason to increase dairy production. Kalau untuk manusia, alfalfa dikeringkan and dijadikan pil utk induce lactation. Other main function of alfalfa is for detoxification. Saya bukan agent shaklee so maklumat lanjut can be obtained from atau
Ada satu lg ubat yang telah saya consume selang dgn alfalfa. Based on advise from my gynae, I took motilium(domperidone). The medicine is not meant for lactation but is actually for stomach bloating and reflux. But somehow it can increase the amount of hormone (prolactin) in your body resulted in incease of breastmilk production. Pengambilan ubat ini tidak begitu digalakkan tapi kalau dah terdesak, ok je..boleh didapati di farmasi i.e watson sepapan RM9 ada 7 mahal jugak la investment. I just ambik once a week to increase boosting effect :P
So kawan kawan selamat mencuba.. jangan jadikan alasan 'I'm working mother' untuk tidak memberi susu ibu kepada anak anda..dan jangan terpengaruh dengan iklan formulae milk with gangliosida, dha, taurina etc kerana susu ibu adalah yang terbaik!!!
Chow chin chow
Congrat beb berjaya bf sehingga Anak 2 tahun. Pengorbanan yang bukan sedikit. Of cause sang suami cam I ni happy save buduget hahahahahha.... cuma nak kena tambah kot 1st sekali mindset kena betul sebab w/o right mindset dan ikhtizam payah nak buat...
ReplyDeleteSave budget banyak kot..susu mahal..hahah..anggapla susu ibu tu tuhan bagi rezeki untuk anak..semangat la sikit nk bf sbb bf memang tiring esp to working mother. N u re rite..iltizam tersangat la penting..nnt beria beli equipment breastfeed yg bukan murah tu..pastu give up..malas..huhu