By adding a few slices of fruit into our daily intake of water, we can heightens minerals and vitamins that our bodies can easily and quickly consume, and at the same time are so delicious that we may find ourselves tricking our mind into drinking more water than we have in the past.
Put any fruits you like in a cold water and let the infused water in the fridge for at least 8 hours but not more than 24 hours.It is refreshing, healthy and improve your digestion system. Less cost, no drugs, no supplements, no pills etc.Some of the recipes that I've tried so far...
1. Kiwi

Use overripe kiwi if possible. Kiwi and strawberry, a perfect combination.
2. Strawberry
Strawberry can gives anti-oxidant effect. And if it is combined with kiwi, you will get booster : Cardiovascular health, immune system protection, blood sugar regulation, and digestion. And it is super delicious.
3. Lemon
- Lemon-infused water may lower your chances of developing diseases like cancer, slow weight gain and even prevent the common cold. .
- The citric acid in lemons helps to keep kidneys healthy.
- Lemons are also high in vitamin C, which means they will improve your immune system.
- Another bonus: Lemons reduce skin blemishes and can improve your complexion.
Your infused water likely tastes bitter if you did not cut off the rind. Peel the lemon skin, remove the rind and slice the lemon. Mint leaves can add colour to your drink as well as cooling effect.
4. Pineaple and Grapes
Pineapple is a great metabolism booster, and it’s full of healthy vitamins and antioxidants like Vitamin C. Pineapple will give a sweet tart taste but grapes will not contribute so much taste into the drinks. Taking the juice from the grapes will however benefits your health as it contains cancer-fighting and cleansing compounds.
Too much pineapple will resulted in extra "zinc" to your infused drink. One wedge of pineapple with 8-10 cut into half grapes are just nice for one tumbler of cold water.
5. Apple and Cinnamon
This is my mom's favourite. Apples have a slew of benefits including maintaining bone and tissue health, and cinnamon is one of the most efficient boosters of metabolism. Cinnamon is also excellent for regulating blood sugar, improving alertness and concentration
To extract significant flavor from the apple slices (cut as thin as possible) and cinnamon stick, put them in a boiled water for few minutes and pour in the cold water.
By the way, my new routine is to make my infused water after my dinner and having it for my 'breakfast on the go' for the next day with hubby. Mr hubby is against this idea anyway.."is too healthy". My tumbler is as pineapple and grape infused water above and the goal is to finish it all by the time we reach KLCC parking. It has been 2 weeks and we never fail. More weeks to go.....
The upcoming infused water among others will be cucumber with limes, orange with mango, peach and pear. Can't wait to try peeps!
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